Maharashtra horror: Man kills ex in broad daylight, hits her head with spanner

1 week ago 12

A 20-year-old woman was attacked and killed by her ex-boyfriend in broad daylight in Maharashtra's Palghar district, the police said on Tuesday. The man, who was allegedly upset over their breakup, hit her multiple times in the head with an industrial spanner.

The incident happened on Tuesday morning in Palghar's Vasai area when the woman, Aarti Yadav, was going to work. The CCTV footage of the gory incident shows the accused, Rohit Yadav, coming from behind and hitting Aarti's head with an industrial spanner multiple times.

"Kyun kiya aisa mere saath (why did you do this to me)," Rohit is heard saying in the video. He continued to hit her with the spanner even as she collapsed to the ground.

Except for a person who tried to intervene, the scores of bystanders remained mute spectators.

When alerted about the incident, the police rushed to the spot and found Aarti dead. According to the police, there were 15 injury marks on her body.

Her body has been sent for post-mortem.

According to the police, the duo had been in a relationship for six years but Aarti broke up with him a few days ago. Suspecting that Aarti was having an affair with another man, Rohit allegedly killed her in a fit of rage, the police said.

Speaking to the media, a police official said, "This morning at around 9.45 am, when the woman was going to work, her ex-boyfriend murdered her by hitting her with an industrial spanner. Prima facie, the matter looks like a love affair."

"We have arrested the accused and a case under Section 302 (pertaining to murder) has been registered. The post-mortem of the woman is underway and further details will come out," he added.

Published By:

Sudeep Lavania

Published On:

Jun 19, 2024